Film & TV
Film & TV weather insurance protects your budget against conditions that result in the need to reschedule filming, leading to significant additional costs.
Recommended for
- ‣ Television & film production companies
- ‣ Advertising agencies

Scenario 1
The risk
Marshal Media has been commissioned by PD Golfwear to shoot a television commercial for its all-weather golf range. The shoot stars Don Neil, a world class golfer who has been scheduled for the 24th and the 25th April at the Highland Golf Resort in Scotland. The production company has chosen the venue due to its frequent rainfall and hopes to showcase the all-weather gear in inclement conditions. A filming day starts at 08:00 and finishes at 18:00 and to complete the shoot, Marshal Media needs at least four hours of wet weather over the two days. Don Neil must leave at 18:30 on the 25th to catch a flight to Spain for his next tournament. Unseasonably nice weather will mean that the shoot will have to be rescheduled at great expense to PD Golfwear.
The solution
Marshal Media purchases weather insurance at the request of PD Golfwear to cover the entire production budget in the event that 0.25cm of rain doesn’t fall in at least four of the twenty available shooting hours.
There are only three hours of wet weather over the two shooting days with a wet weather hour defined as an hour in which at least 0.25cm of rain falls.
No claim
There are four hours or more of wet weather over the two shooting days with a wet weather hour defined as an hour in which at least 0.25cm of rain falls.

Scenario 2
The risk
Crow Productions produces wildlife documentaries for a terrestrial TV channel. It is headed to a remote location in Nepal for three days in early September to film the habitat of the snow leopard. The only circumstances which would prevent the shoot from going ahead would be blizzard conditions on each of the three days.
The solution
Crow Productions chooses to insure flight and accommodation costs and work with Weatherproof to define blizzard conditions as ‘wind speeds gusting at 56kph or faster at any point during a 24 period and simultaneously, snowfall of 15cm or more during the same 24 hour period’. These conditions must occur on each of the three scheduled filming days for the policy to be triggered.
Gusting wind speeds peak at 60kph, 57kph and 62kph an hour on each respective day, and a blizzard results in 16cm, 20cm and 18cm of fresh snow falling at the shoot location.
No claim
The client benefits from 20kph gusting winds on the first day with just 4cm of snow falling before a blizzard arrives affecting day two and three with wind speeds reaching 61kph and 62 kph and snow fall of 18cm and 20cm on consecutive days.

Scenario 3
The risk
Snap Advertising is shooting a promotional film for Rapid Car’s newest sports car. The production company is on location for 10 hours between 08:00 and 18:00 but needs eight hours with no rain to complete the day’s filming.
The solution
Weatherproof pays client for the additional costs to stay on location for an additional day if there are more than two hours of rain in the 10 hour period. Rain is defined as 0.03cm or more within any insured hour.
0.03cm of rain or more falls in three or more separate hours between 08:00 and 18:00 on the shoot day.
No claim
There is no rain during the days filming or 0.05cm of rain occurs in just two of the ten hour filming period between 08:00 and 18:00.